Currently there are 1 properties for sale in Truckee River. Properties range in asking price from $395000.00 - $395000.00 with an average asking price of $395000 and a median asking price of $395000.00. Price per square foot ranges from $0/Sq Ft - 0/Sq Ft. On average these 1 properties have been on the market for 1297.0 days. 1 of these properties have reduced their asking price with the average reduction being $-20000. 0 of the properties are distressed sales (either REO bank owned or Short Sale). In the past 180 days, 0 properties have sold in Truckee River. Sales prices during this time period ranged from $0 - $0. On average these properties were on the market for nan days and final sales prices were on average 0.0% of the original listing price. 0.0% of the sales were reported as cash sales.
The Truckee River begins in Tahoe City and follows highway 89 into Truckee. The Truckee River offers easy access to everything. In the winter it’s all about skiing and there’s no shortage of choices. Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows are minutues away. The trails around the Truckee River offer something for everyone. From the paved riverside trail that runs from Tahoe City to Squaw Valley, to the Five Lakes trail near Alpine Meadows, there’s a lot to explore around the Truckee River. The historic section of old town Truckee features quaint 100 year old buildings filled with boutique shops and excellent restaurants. Truckee Thursdays celebrate the community. They close the street in old town and it’s music, food, shopping, and hanging out. In Tahoe City in the summer months, Sunday afternoons offer concerts on the beach and Wednesday nights are movies in the park at Commons Beach.