Currently there are 11 properties for sale in Donner Lake. Properties range in asking price from $489000.00 - $4295000.00 with an average asking price of $1529804 and a median asking price of $963100.00. Price per square foot ranges from $571.26/Sq Ft - 2325.58/Sq Ft. On average these 11 properties have been on the market for 1490.27 days. 5 of these properties have reduced their asking price with the average reduction being $-41278. 0 of the properties are distressed sales (either REO bank owned or Short Sale). In the past 180 days, 0 properties have sold in Donner Lake. Sales prices during this time period ranged from $0 - $0. On average these properties were on the market for nan days and final sales prices were on average 0.0% of the original listing price. 0.0% of the sales were reported as cash sales.
Donner Lake is located on the west side of Truckee and is crowned with the spectacular granite peaks of Mt Judah and the edge of the ski resort Sugar Bowl. The Donner Lake community features quaint restaurants like The Old 40. The beaches of Donner Lake are both public (2.5 miles of lakefront at Donner Lake State Park) as well as private beaches (West End Beach and Tahoe Donner HOA). Highway 80 runs the length of the north side of the community. Some properties on this side get a considerable amount of road noise. The mountains rise quickly on the west and south sides of the community. Some properties seem to spend most of the winter months shadowed by the mountains in these areas.