
Tahoe City Minor-3so Real Estate Listings

Currently there are 1 properties for sale in Tahoe City Minor-3So. Properties range in asking price from $2300000.00 - $2300000.00 with an average asking price of $2300000 and a median asking price of $2300000.00. Price per square foot ranges from $991.38/Sq Ft - 991.38/Sq Ft. On average these 1 properties have been on the market for 920.0 days. 0 of these properties have reduced their asking price with the average reduction being $0. 0 of the properties are distressed sales (either REO bank owned or Short Sale). In the past 180 days, 0 properties have sold in Tahoe City Minor-3So. Sales prices during this time period ranged from $0 - $0. On average these properties were on the market for nan days and final sales prices were on average 0.0% of the original listing price. 0.0% of the sales were reported as cash sales.

Not Available
Sale Date Sale Price B/B/G Area
01/11/22 $23,650,000.00 6/6.5/Two 7652 ft2
05/21/21 $11,000,000.00 5/7+/Three 6239 ft2
10/05/20 $1,850,000.00 2/3/Two 2118 ft2
08/20/20 $3,200,000.00 5/5/Two 4200 ft2
12/28/18 $1,200,000.00 4/3/Two 2500 ft2
06/08/18 $22,865,543.00 5/6.5/Four + 8821 ft2
04/13/18 $1,250,000.00 4/3/Two 2500 ft2
08/24/16 $6,500,000.00 5/7+/Three 6239 ft2
08/03/15 $3,190,000.00 4/2/Two 1690 ft2
07/10/15 $2,000,000.00 6/4.5/0 5064 ft2
05/16/14 $450,000.00 3/3/0 N/A
08/16/13 $559,000.00 3/2.5/0 1495 ft2
07/25/13 $819,000.00 3/3/One 1905 ft2
05/17/13 $3,500,000.00 3/3/Two 2421 ft2
09/08/10 $3,366,500.00 4/3.5/One 3200 ft2
View more - Recent Sales - Tahoe City Minor-3So
List Date Ask Price B/B/G Area
No pending properties in this neighborhood.
List Date Ask Price B/B/G Area
No price reduced properties in this neighborhood.
List Date Ask Price B/B/G Area
03/30/22 $2,300,000.00 4/3/Three 2320 ft2
View more - New Listings - Tahoe City Minor-3So

List Date: Mar 30, 2022

Tahoe City, CA, 96145
2320 ft2