
Stateline Real Estate Listings

Currently there are 3 properties for sale in Stateline. Properties range in asking price from $895000.00 - $2395000.00 with an average asking price of $1496333 and a median asking price of $1199000.00. Price per square foot ranges from $462.29/Sq Ft - 654.37/Sq Ft. On average these 3 properties have been on the market for 1133.0 days. 3 of these properties have reduced their asking price with the average reduction being $25333. 0 of the properties are distressed sales (either REO bank owned or Short Sale). In the past 180 days, 0 properties have sold in Stateline. Sales prices during this time period ranged from $0 - $0. On average these properties were on the market for nan days and final sales prices were on average 0.0% of the original listing price. 0.0% of the sales were reported as cash sales.
Not Available
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List Date: Dec 16, 2019

Stateline, NV, 89449
3660 ft2

List Date: Mar 04, 2022

Stateline, NV, 894490000
2080 ft2

List Date: Apr 08, 2022

Stateline, NV, 89449
1936 ft2